OCT 2022

Ever since humans invented tools, DESIGN innovation, iteration and improvisation has offered a multitude of materials and their physical arrangement in space to be called a shelter. Architecture as a practice and later as a discipline has co-evolved with human intelligence, offering a plethora of physical manifestations on the planet and even in the meta-space. From an intricate relationship between architectural form and culture, productive interiors spaces and human well-being, structural integrity and utility, nexus between built and the unbuilt, architecture has evolved across cultures and has played a critical role in every facets of our life be it the public and the domestic.

Contemporary society functions on so many diverse layers that no form of art, including architecture, can remain unambiguous in its way of practice and discourse. It is imperative to understand architecture as an all-encompassing-whole having multiple sociological and cultural linkages, embracing diversity and most certainly inclusivity. It calls for novel ecologies that requires inter-disciplinary thinking challenging mere formalistic approaches to design practice accessible to only an elite class of society.

The curatorial theme of YAF||CROSSROADS 2022, "Architecture for everyone" reflects the ideology of a democratic practice that, we as a fraternity of built environment experts extend our arms to offer services to people, society and the state. Our responsibility towards environment is aplenty in the light of climate change, environmental degradation and growth of Artificial Intelligence. We ought to blur the stigmatized boundaries and established hegemony through critical discourses on nature of architecture, its future practice and pedagogies. We ask the most pertinent question: What does architecture mean and to whom? Let Architecture transcend through deeper layers of our society than become mere objects to satiate the eye. Let Architecture safe guard the interest of anyone and everyone who inhabit this ‘pale blue dot’.

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